That’s when I came across Mastermind Meditate, a Texas-based mental wellness firm that specializes in neuroscience-based corporate mindfulness. When I saw that Mastermind offered a twice-yearly 60-Hour Mindfulness Facilitator Certification, I was immediately intrigued. I loved the idea of taking a six-month course that would expose me to a variety of expert teachers, deepen my mindfulness practice, and grow my voice and confidence as a facilitator of mindfulness experiences.
When I met with the CEO Dorsey Standish about joining the program, I was drawn in by her scientific background as an engineer and now neuroscientist who shares mindfulness from a research-backed perspective. I could relate to her story of leaving her engineering job in the corporate world to explore and share science-based mental health practices. I wanted to engage in a similar journey of changing worlds but bringing wisdom with me.
Enrolling in Mastermind’s Fall 2021 Mindfulness Facilitator Certification was one of the best decisions I have ever made because it truly accelerated my personal practice and helped me reach a deeper level of learning. All the learning occurred live, and I was able to connect virtually with like-minded people all over the world from my home in the South of France. The course provided a good mix of neuroscience learning, didactic mindfulness teachings, meditation practice, small group interaction, and practice facilitation. In addition to learning from Dorsey, we also heard from experts with diverse backgrounds in mindfulness and science like Dr. Adrianne Bagley, Janet Solyntjes, MA, and Dr. Marty Lumpkin.
In addition to deepening my personal practice, I also learned how to curate my own mindfulness classes using the Mastermind structure and a smorgasbord of tools like poetry, art, and science. I am grateful to the course for giving me the confidence to lead groups and support individuals with mindfulness meditation techniques backed by the latest neuroscience.
Since completing the course with Mastermind, I’ve progressed to leading larger meditation groups on Zoom (up to 50 people) and enrolling in Tibetan Shiné meditation training. Maintaining a deep personal practice while serving others and seeing them overcome their blockages brings me joy. With my training from Mastermind, I am now proud to play a frontline role in bringing a broader consciousness of mindfulness to my communities and world.
Are you too on a journey toward deepening your commitment to mindfulness practice and mindful living? As Seneca said, “When we teach, we learn.” Teaching mindfulness has been my biggest challenge and my most rewarding endeavor. I’d encourage you to join me in taking your next step with Mastermind’s program! Their next cohort starts in July 2022 and enrollment is limited, so apply today.